Friday, December 05, 2008

Festivus for the rest of us

The Washington State capitol building has a nativity scene in it. Some atheist minority wanted to put up a sign next to the nativity to state their beliefs that religion is myth, mind control and stupid. Here is an article:
Atheist placard joins tree, Nativity scene on display
"The atheists’ sign was installed Monday by Washington members of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a national group based in Madison, Wis. With a nod to the winter solstice in late December, the placard reads, in part, “There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.”

The foundation’s co-president, Dan Barker, said it was important for atheists to offer their viewpoint alongside the overtly religious Nativity scene and Christmas-style holiday tree. “Our members want equal time,” Barker said. “Not to muscle, not to coerce, but just to have a place at the table.”

"The three displays, all privately sponsored, were granted permits from state groundskeepers to be placed in the Capitol’s grand marble hallways."
The atheist placard caused an outcry, and the Governor's office was deluged with e-mails and calls. Then the sign was stolen. Mayhem!

Then, appeals were made from different groups, all stating that THEY want THEIR religious feelings made public through symbols, and placards, and displays in the Capitol Rotunda.

Including...and here's the first punchline...the Festivus folks. LOL!

For those who do not know, Festivus is a fake holiday made famous in the Seinfeld Show. George Costanza's father made the holiday up in a fit of pique and soon, due to the popularity of the show itself, the holiday soon made its way into real life.

Now here comes the second punchline: in 'discussing' the situation on Fox News, Bill O'Reilly was made aware by the reporter that some Festivus folk wanted to put up a 5-foot pole and have contests for feats of strength near the nativity. O'Reilly said that the Festivus people and all the others with an 'ous' at the end of their holiday should get a life. He thought it was a REAL holiday! ROFL

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