Washington Post says: "Atlanta's pollen count hit 5,499 particles per cubic meter of air Monday, the highest this season and the fourth-highest in the 12 years that the Atlanta Allergy and Asthma Clinic has kept records. In South Carolina, the pollen count hit 4,862, according to the Allergic Disease and Asthma Center in Greenville. A reading of 120 is considered extremely high in the Southeast. A lack of rain, which scrubs pollen from the air, is blamed for the high count."
Do a rain dance for us, would you?
Ick. I would be sneezing my head off!
There’s a cartoon in the Athens paper today: a house covered in flaky stuff looking like snow, a car in the driveway covered with it, the lawn, covered. A man shoveling a small pathway to the mailbox, waist deep, his wife at the door saying, “Well, I certainly hope the pollen clears up soon”
So does the hardware store sell pollenblowers instead of snowblowers? Do you need pollenrakes to get all the pollen off the roof?
What is tree plloen but the fertizing component of tree sex...happy breathing.
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