Saturday, February 01, 2020

Moody Winter Sky

By Elizabeth Prata

Last week I wrote "My pile is too high." You know the piles you get when you toss this or that over there to be dealt with later, but more stuff comes in and soon it's a tower, not a pile? I destroyed it today. I went through everything and got 'er done.

So, it's February. Wow, didn't that go fast? Seems like we just had all the blogs about Bible Reading Plans, New Year's Resolutions, and optimism for the freshness of 2020. Now it's February, hearts and flowers and candies.

We have a winter break in February. There won't be school on February 17th, barring any weather closure days. I'm looking forward to the three-day weekend because I love being at home.

I always have.

As a kid, if I wasn't at home or somewhere in the yard, I'd be across the street playing in the brook, or behind the house (in the cemetery) looking at old gravestone inscriptions. I liked the cemetery. It was quiet there.

Today after a day of writing and emailing, I decided to take a breather outside. The sky was moody, one moment clear, the next scudding with dark rimmed fluffy clouds. Crows were crowing. It was windy and the tree branches were waving to each other across the yard like passengers on a dock waving to the departing passengers on the ship. The temp said OK but the reality was 'cold'. I snapped a few pics in the yard and scurried back in. Here is the yard today, the first day of February.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

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