There's an "Assembly" before church where the Sunday School and Bible study participants gather prior to being released to classes. We sing a hymn to open the gathering, then I speak for 3 minutes or so, introducing that day's lesson and making connections between the lesson, the Bible, and real life.
After study is over and just before the actual Sunday Services start, I stand at the podium and deliver the Sunday School report- how many people attended, how many visitors, and then make announcements people need to hear about (Family Fiesta needs covered dish contributions, we need prayer warriors for the Good News Club, etc.) Then the Pastor takes over and services begin.
So, if you go to church but not Bible study before hand, how come? What would it take for you to go? And if you do attend a Bible study somewhere, what do you like about it and how would you make it better?
Ok I have been going to church pretty regularly. Have missed the last two but that is an anomoly.
Havent gone to bible studies however. Typically, I take the kids to Catholic church when they are with me and I go to Baptist church when I don't have them.
Congratulations. We don't have this kind of setup at Jones Chapel. We have an early worship service then Sunday School then a traditional worship service.
I teach the three and four year olds and I would love to have a separate bible study for my lifestyle. I really enjoy the beth moore type of study.
Have a wonderful day.
Chuck, if try a small-group bible study on a Sunday morning or Wed night at your Baptist church, let me know what you think!
I don't know. That requires me to be social. After Cub Scouts on Tuesday and getting the kids to hockey and dealing with my ex- I have usually hit my full quotient of social.
I hear ya! I feel the same quite often. Even more so when I had a job that involved being around people all day.
I have been so frustrated lately. I am a cub leader, as you know. Well my kid has signed up for hockey which now meets the same night as cub scouts. Ugh! So I am leading other people's kids and not my own. GRRRRRR
And you can't see any of his games because you'll be at Scouts?
The best Novel in the world is the Bible!
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