Now that I have an opportunity to be home most days (semi-retirement IS all it's cracked up to be) I can be part of my cat's routine. Apparently it does not vary and it's pretty durn relaxing. It goes a little something like this. Abby says:
5:30-6 a.m.: Rudely or gently, depending on capricious cat mood, awaken human. Continue to awaken by pouncing, crying, and pawing any exposed flesh, until human gets up by 6 a.m.
6:00: EAT!!!!!!!!
6:02 to 8:00: play with toy, gradually get human to play with toy while I watch. If I am successful, she will end up dragging around the string while I perch on the bed, yawn, and watch amusedly.
8:00 a.m.: begin to wind down. All this activity makes me tired! Climb under the covers and sleep until 5:30 p.m.
[Human allowed a comment: I do not know how Abby breathes for 10 hours under there! But if I look real close I can see the covers move infinitesimally up and down]
5:30 p.m.: Repeat morning routine. But keep it up later than 8 p.m., go at least until 9 or 10. And at night, sleeping is on human's legs above the covers, not under. Even cats don't like bed farts.
ok...you need a litle more human companionship...haha, just kidding
I go to a party every weekend... I need less! LOL!
You're cat has you well trained. I should have asked its insights when I worked for you! LOL
Abby! Does Abby like her new windows on the world? Did you put the bird feeders up for her? (Abby is indoor cat, so birds are safe!)
Chuck, it's the purring that gets me. You didn't purr. :)
Jeanne: my windows are flush and I can't put up any bird feeders because there's no where to hang, unless we do a little construction on the outside and I don't think that's going to happen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the deck that's been promised this spring, then I can hang lots off the rail.
A friend of mine down here got sunflower seeds yesterday and cleaned and refilled her feeders, and immediately multitudes of birds came.
My apartment property has lots of birds flying around the yard and Abby likes watching that. She perches on the nighttable by the window and watches all day long. WHen she's not under the covers, that is!
Well damn, woman- you never mentioned purring in the job interview!
Hey, Elizabeth, Have you heard about Alison Libbey being arrested? I wish YOU were still in Gray to get to the bottom of this! Everyone on the Council is in denial; and are not dealing with this situation at all. It appears that 'Bad Behavior' deserves a reward instead of due punishment?? Everything is hush-hush?? I'm sure you would not have allowed this to slip by without giving the citizens all the details! Unless something comes out today, neither paper has mentioned this?
No, I wouldn't ignore it. I didn't ignore it when School Board member Bill Corrigan was arrested for criminally drunk driving, with minors in the car. At that time, about 4 or 5 years ago, I was told I should give him a break, that it was just a little mistake, that it wasn't news, that I was an agitator...you know, the usual drill.
But I still investigated, interviewed him, and published the news on page 1, just like always.
It will be interesting to see what if anything, the council will do about this.
We, in Gray, are STILL WAITING!!
Alison was arrested, if I remember, late November, a month ago. Why hasn't the council addressed this, do you think? And, will they?
It is really 'mind-boggling' that the Council has chosen NOT to deal with Alison's Arrest? There has been Nothing presented to the public? Accountability is an Obligation for those in Public Office; and this matter should NOT be swept under the carpet and ignored. I don't know if anything will be done at next Tuesday's Council Meeting, but it will surely affect their Character and Credibility if they choose to 'Do Nothing'! I really miss YOU and your ability to 'go after the facts'. The article in the Monument was just plain 'Not Enough'; and merely related to the public that ... oops, Alison Forgot? Alison's disrespect for the Law, Her unpreparedness at Council Meetings, Her abuse of Council Rules, and Her idea that She is Above the Law is insane. I believe our Town Charter provides the tools to Deal with situations like this; and I'm really confused that the Council doesn't use them and give Alison 'the Boot'!?
Thank you anonymous for the compliment! I did enjoy getting to the bottom of things and printing the resulting articles.
Do you have any plans to maybe apprioach the council or Alison publicly at a council meeting to see what, if anything, is being done? Or asking publicly why not?
The Public will most likely be approaching the Council on this issue; but it disturbs me that the Council doesn't take the initiative knowing full-well Alison's actions require accountability?? With everything outlined in the Charter, Why Don't THEY Do The Right Thing Automatically instead of waiting until the people 'force the issue'???
Nothing Said..No Actions Taken..No Rules Applying. Business as usual.
Ray Clark has Retired from the Gray Independent; however, Sharon Bondroff is suddenly covering the Council Meeting. She is just as biased as Ray; no improvement. Wish YOU were back in Gray, Elizabeth!
Thanks! A vigorous press sure does wonders for a town, doesn't it? The Gray News hasn't been vigorous in quite a while and The Monument now has a different news approach than I had. Oh, well...I do miss you guys, that's for sure.
Hey, Elizabeth, it's time for a complete update on The Quiet Life!
Well, a verdict is in regarding Pennell. Superior Court says that it is owned by SAD!!! The Council has decided NOT to appeal the decision {Again} as $40,000 has already been sucked up by Bill Dale and the Court System.
$40,000? I was at the meeting when Dale said $12-15,000. I'm personally glad the council decided not to appeal. I think it's time to get on with things and get the building sold or swapped to whoever it's going to go to.
Just wanted to advise you that, according to the Graymaine Blog Site, Allison Libbey's Husband died a few days ago...apparently a suicide/Gun situation. There is supposed to be a Council Meeting tonight; maybe more information will be forthcoming.
Oh no! If that's true, how awful for Alison. I truly and deeply feel the most sympathy possible for her in this dark time.
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