Meadow Baptist Church on the evening of their Christmas program. The church is next door to my apartment.

Jim the camel handler, a volunteer enacting his part in the Live Nativity scene Saturday night

Someone is happy Christmas is coming!

As they say here, "the reason for the season," Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus, volunteers at the Live Nativity. The family has been doing it for 22 years but this year is the last, they are moving to the mountains. I'm glad I got to see it.
I'm wondering now about the camel, how they came to get it and what else they use it for and will it be moving to mountains?
Beautiful photos!
I was wondering too! I heard someone ask Jim the Handler but I didn't hear the answer. I think they rent them. There's a company who does that, mostly for Nativity scenes but for other putposes too. Maybe for rich people's private parties!
You could have a camel come to a Wednesday party - get it? Hump Day?
Okay, I'm sorry for bad joke, bad, bad joke. But it's paper night so I am to be forgiven....
Rent a Camel? Could catch on. Who knows.
I dont think a "Rent a Albatross" will ever work though.
"Rent a Dodo"? :)
Well, there's Rent-A-Hubby...
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