Yesterday, as I vacuumed my apartment, I found that if I used my upright Hoover in a methodical left-to-right pattern, I could get all the fringe at the ends of my area rugs to lay perfectly flat and straight. I was extremely pleased by this discovery.
"lie" flat lol.
Enjoy the Georgia warmth; it's fffffreezin' up here this week.
I like the visual image of 'lay flat' over the word "lie."
You’ll have your chance this July when it’s so hot here nobody can move. Christmas stuff is taken down in January and if the store moves too slowly converting inventory they spring right to coolers and grills and bird seed. January is the only winter month and by end of Feb. it warms up enough to call it spring.
I like the visual image of 'lay flat' over the word "Lie", too! Lie is a nasty word that is being used far too frequently.
Who knew? Thanks for the report.
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