Saturday, June 13, 2020

Nuts and Murray's spot

By Elizabeth Prata

Murray sure loves that spot! Even though it's not big enough for him, really. He sits there and watches out the front door. There are a lot of birds that hang our there on the dogwood tree in front or (unwisely) on the ground like the Brown Thrasher the other night hopping all around and cheeping his presence. Then he curls up to nap. I guess it's like when you see little kids twisted into all sorts of shapes and sleeping in spaces not made for sleeping!

Brown Thrasher in the front yard

I love nuts. I always have. At Christmas and Thanksgiving my mother used to put out baskets of a variety of nuts with nutcrackers. The visiting extended family would crack nuts and tell stories and laugh. I like to eat them for fiber and for the crunch. There are some nuts I can't have any more and others I need to limit intake quantities. But I still love them. Edamame nuts are high in protein and low in carbs and have a good about of fiber. Almonds too, in reasonable quantities. And I buy these boxes of 1-oz peanut packs and bring them to school for snacks. I buy the flavored almonds because sometimes Amazon has them for a really low price, so even if they're flavored I don't care, I'm all-in getting some almonds for not a billion dollars.

I'm almost out of soup so I'm going to make some more. Of what kind, I'm not sure yet. Then I'll read my Phyllis Schlafly biography, watch some more birds, and enjoy the day. I hope you do too!

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