Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Daily Murray: We had a little spat

By Elizabeth Prata

Me and Murray had a little spat. He likes to be near me. Since I spend a lot of time at the table writing on the laptop, he jumps on the table and lays down next to me. I bought a little covered bed for him because he was uncomfortable laying on the hard Formica table and wriggled around a lot. He likes to tuck his head under things. It’s so cute. He tucks his head under the rim of the bed.

Lately he’s decided he’d rather not curl up in the bed as often, but spread out on the table and tuck his head under my elbow. This makes it hard to write. I like the contact and it’s really cute, but after a few minutes, I need to move my arm. I’ve been lifting him and putting him in his little bed. Since it’s not his idea at that moment to get in his little bed, he resists being put into the bed, and he jumps off the table.

This went on successively, me lifting him and putting him in the bed (or trying), him jumping down. Repeat. Yesterday he was sitting upright on the table and I moved my hand to pet his head and he got scared and jumped down. Oh no. I do not want him to see my hand coming and be scared of me. I want him to know that every time I touch him it’s for love.

So I quit stuffing him in the little bed and let him decide when to get in it. When he splays out all over the table, to give myself room, I move the laptop over. This is proof that cats rule the house.

Here he is in his little bed, snuffing and snoring contentedly. The little crossed paws are so endearing!

I gotten some books lately. I’m excited at the Nathaniel Philbrick one. After Bill Bryson, I think he is the best non-fiction narrative writer. He makes his stories come alive. I bought this one is called Mayflower and it recounts the Pilgrims’ journey and first few decades of colonizing America. I also received as a gift the Paul Washer book on Fasting. I fast and I want to know more about the discipline and Paul Washer is just the man to teach me!

The Write Better book was recommended by Reagan Rose and Tim Challies. I have accumulated several books on Christian Art. I am interested to know, as a Christian, when I make art or write an essay, how to do it better as a Christian. There are a lot of books giving advice on how to write better or do art better but not from a Christian perspective, giving glory to God.

I’ve accumulated have several books on art in a little section of my book library, but none specifically on Christian writing. Since the Write Better book was recommended by two guys I trust when recommending things, I looked up the book and after skimming it online at Amazon, I got it. I am hoping it fills the bill. The Art books I have are Philip Ryken’s "Art for God’s Sake" and Francis Schaeffer’s "Art and the Bible."

Two requests for inter-library loan books have come in. So now I’m enjoying an embarrassment of riches. I’d requested a library loan for Eric Ripert’s biography (a chef) and the bio of Phyllis Schlafly. Apparently Schlafly’s biographer was a feminist mainly against Schlafly but after spending time with Phyllis and her family, the biographer wrote a gentle and warm bio. I am interested in Phyllis after having watched the Hulu show “Mrs. America”. The 9-episode TV series focused on Schlafly’s influence in stalling and eventually defeating the feminist Equal Rights Amendment. I’m old enough to remember the battle the first time around, and the TV show revived my interest in this woman and deepened it. She is fascinating.

I had decided that since I wrote three essays yesterday on The End Time blog that today I’d re-post an older essay and spend the day reading and crafting. In a providential turn of events, not only is it raining today (reading on a rainy day is so cozy!) but the internet is out this morning. I have spent some time in my Bible, I started Daniel as the next book in the Reading Plan. I read today’s devotional from "Piercing Heaven", prayers of Puritans (different from the Valley of Vision by Bennett). I’ll head to the Library at 10:00 to do the curbside pickup time for the books I’d ordered, and come home and read. I’ll also make a collage, and probably do some word searches, word puzzles, and coloring/painting.

I hope your day goes well. I hope my internet does come back eventually!

(and it did)

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