Monday, April 13, 2020

Isolation tips from Antarctic Scientists

By Elizabeth Prata

As an introvert content to stay at home and never talk to anyone, lol, it occurs to me that extroverts or otherwise more normal people than myself might enjoy social interaction and getting out. I saw this very short and funny clip of Antarctic scientists giving social isolation advice and wanted to pass it along to you.

These men and women who choose to overwinter down at the most isolated spot in the world surely have something useful to say about how to do it without going nuts!

Watching the clip, I was reminded of a longer documentary about the very few scientists who choose to stay through an Antarctic winter and the pervasive isolation in a howling place apart from everyone else on the planet.

Antarctica: A Year On Ice is extremely interesting. Here is the IMDB blurb-
ANTARCTICA: A YEAR ON ICE is a visually stunning journey to the end of the world with the hardy and devoted people who live there year-round. The research stations scattered throughout the continent host a close-knit international population of scientists, technicians and craftsmen. Isolated from the rest of the world, enduring months of unending darkness followed by periods when the sun never sets, Antarctic residents experience firsthand the beauty and brutality of the most severe environment on Earth.
It is on Amazon Prime. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for an opportunity to laugh about this situation. :)
