Monday, April 20, 2020

Golden Hour spring photos

By Elizabeth Prata

Spring in north Georgia is glorious. It is a long season, too. In Maine where I used to live, spring came abruptly and lasted about two weeks. Spring in Maine is also called Mud Season, since all the slushy snow is melting and turning into mud and it's just a mess.

Spring here is gentle, with low light at dusk, peepers, and birds. I love listening to peepers at night as I go to sleep.I went into the yard this evening as the sun was sinking low. Golden Hour, when the sun's rays turn golden and everything looks as if it has an Instagram filter on it, but it's real life not virtual so of course it's even better.

Go outside, it's great.

Here are my shots of the yard while strolling the golden hour. The day was warm, the sun was bright, and the birds sure were busy! They are feeding their babies now. Life is good under the sun.

The mama Carolina wren was having a busy time feeding these bruisers! She was on the constant prowl for insects. Later that day, they flew off. Phew. Mama can rest now.

Standing far off, I see a lot of activity back and forth at the birdhouse.

I zoom in. A mama bird is feeding her young 'uns. I can hear their chirps from 100 feet away
I'm coming, kids! she might be saying as she rounds the corner

And pokes her head in to feed them.

Gently rolling lawn, bushes, school across the street. Sun is low, see it behind the trees?

The side yard, manicured, glowing, calm as the sun sets.

But wait? Who is this bounding across the green? He's finding a lot of nuts and enjoying them as he goes-

You just knew he'd make for the tree eventually!

Hay! What's going on over there?

A bush. The colors didn't translate. Oh well!

Wild violet. They are such a pretty color and so delicate.

Murray watching me!


  1. Isn't it frustrating when your camera doesn't record what you actually see?? It's so weird...I've been trying to figure out what changes lighting and color like that for a long time. I was going to enroll in a community college photography class this spring to find out from the professionals, but looks like I'll be on my own a while longer.

  2. Aw, sorry the COVID-19 think interrupted it. Until the next one rolls around there are some free photography courses online you could try, or youtube tutorials. I used to follow a couple of good ones.

  3. As much as I use my computer, I still don't think about looking on youtube for info...thanks for the suggestion. I took a walk last evening during the "golden hour" and took my camera along with me, and was surprised again at the differences in color...most of the lighting was wonderfully golden, but some of the shots were a very strange shade of green, and I still have no idea why, because to my eye they looked the same.

  4. I should mention that of course I realize I may get this virus at any time and photography would be the last thing on my's hard to know how to deal with a crisis that may or may not hit you.
