Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Frugal Cooking this week: April 30-May 5

By Elizabeth Prata

Since COVID-19 began, I've decreased my outings as mandated by the Governor. I only grocery shop once every two weeks, instead of every week like I did before this started. This gap in shopping introduces some mental gymnastics in scheduling and planning meals.

Just as you put the hardest vegetables in the soup pot first, the carrots, potatoes, etc,, and work backward to the softest, mushrooms, tomatoes...I do the same with planning meals for two weeks on the same grocery trip.

Plan a meal using the most perishable items first. Not everything will stay fresh for 2 weeks of course. Spinach will need to be used quickly (or cooked and stored for later). Strawberries need to be eaten first. I wash them and then core them and chop, putting them into a covered container. They keep well for a week. When I buy a bag of mandarin oranges I put half in the fridge to keep and half in the fruit bowl on the counter. They last a week or two. I buy two loaves of Gluten free break and put one in the freezer. Proteins don't last, so I either buy frozen like shrimp or tofu, which keeps a while. Root veggies like beets, turnips, carrots, and potatoes keep.

A friend stopped over and delivered a bag of fresh veggies that she could not eat.

The first week I ate meals using the delicate perishables, and this 2nd week tends more toward the things I can make with cans and the hardier perishables. This week I'm preparing:

Soup. Lol I always make soup. I prefer this type of 'everything but the kitchen sink' cooking because I can toss in whatever I have on hand without disrupting a balance of something or other. Casseroles, stir fry, soup,'s more flexible for me.

The soup: A friend dropped off some veggies, including kale. I like a kale and white bean soup, but due to FODMAP digestion issues I can't eat the white beans. I substituted chick peas. I added chicken because I had to use it up.

Quinoa bites. I used half of the rest of the spinach, quinoa, and cheddar cheese, plus a few eggs to make these.

Pumpkin-cornbread muffins. Jiffy Cornbread muffin mix whips up in a Jiffy, and cans of pumpkin are loaded with good nutrients, and also make the muffins more moist.

The recipe I have always makes a bit more so I offload the rest of the batter into a loaf pan and cook that too!

Lobster cakes: Since the oven was on I popped the last two into the oven to have for dinner tonight and tomorrow.

Tofu-green bean-rice noodle stir fry. This whips up quick so I didn't make it ahead.

Tuna/Salmon sandwiches or salads.

I cut up a bunch of radishes celery and carrots to have on had as a side dish or snacks.

So that's it!

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