Friday, April 24, 2020

Daily Murray and I think a crane fly

By Elizabeth Prata

Today was change the sheets day. And putting away laundry day. The clean laundry had been in the dryer for 2 days then in the basket for two days so I guess it was finally time to actually fold it and put it in the drawers.

I love clean sheets, who doesn't? I love also how I remake the bed it's perfect. All crisp and aligned and not droopy. I swapped the winter heavy blanket for the summer lighter one. I think it's time.

Murray loves clean sheets day too:

I did my morning routine of reading the Bible, writing the blog, doing the devotional and scanning for the news across my Twitter stream, while having coffee. Then went for a walk, then sat outside for my hour of Vitamin D, reading. Then came inside for brunch.

Early afternoon is chores, e-courses, (school- professional development or virtual meetings with staff or students), professional reading. Sometimes a nap. Sometimes another walk.

Evenings are for TV: I have been going through Elementary, the newer version of Sherlock Holmes. I like it. I am going to do a review and a critique of the series soon.

During my one-hour outside, I snapped these. I saw the little Carolina wren land but then lost him for a moment. His camouflage is quite good! Same with the other bird, I'm not sure what kind it is but he blended in so well to the tree trunk! God's creation is so amazing!

It's a mockingbird I think. The yellowish underbelly threw me. Below, this guy, or gal, seemed to be guarding a nest or nursing some babies or something. It didn't move. I believe it is a crane fly, and harmless. They do not actually eat mosquitos, but they do contribute tot he ecosystem, as their babies, who usually nest in the ground, eat decomposing matter. If this isn't a crane fly and is in fact harmful let me know and I'll kill immediately.

I've had a great day, listening to the birds, communing with my adorable cat, reading, doing chores, some schoolwork. It's all good. Life is good.

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