Monday, January 20, 2020

Food Prep January 20-25, 2020

By Elizabeth Prata

Winter is finally here. It was below freezing last night and it will take a long time to warm up today. So what to do on my day off from school but cook? Turning on the oven to warm the apartment and have some nourishing food ready for lunches and dinners for the week- double win.

Coming out of the oven today are two pieces of Cajun tilapia, a spicy piece of salmon, roasted carrots & peppers, and roasted yellow squash. On top of the stove is a big pot of chicken and rice soup with a tomato base. The fish will be split into 5 servings, and along with a spinach salad and a baked potato, will be dinners this week. The soup will be lunches.

I missed out on a lot of marked down specials at Kroger but still managed to come away with a few- the yellow squash was a 99-cent special. Some single serving hummus cups were spied out and tossed into my cart. And a large container of power greens will either be salads and/or cooked for a side dish. I found some bags of kettle corn marked down to 79 cents, and that was probably because they were flavored like gingerbread men. I can't taste that well, so a gluten free snack for 79 cents (even less because I could split that bag into 3 servings) was added to my cart without a second thought. Even if I didn't like it I'd make myself like it. (Conclusion: the popcorn was fine, spicy and lightly ginger-y). I win.

It feels good to be home. My cat is glad I'm home. I am happy to have been away and happy to be back. Isn't it good to be content?

Oh wait, I have all these baking and cooking pots and pans to wash...

1 comment:

  1. Would you believe, I actually like washing dishes? I never use a dishwasher.
