Sunday, July 28, 2019

My Summer Vacation in List Form

By Elizabeth Prata

Most comfy outfit: loose capris and a soft Disney tee shirt

Best TV: The Royal (Netflix)

Movies/TV Enjoyed: The Imitation Game, The Pixar Story, The Commish, Court Justice

Most Enjoyable Drink: Chilled hibiscus tea with fizzy water

Most Enjoyable Meal: Scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese, home fries, creamy coffee

Best Books:
  • Where the Crawdads Sing by Owens, Delia (novel)
  • Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War, by Philbrick, Nathaniel (Historical fiction)
  • Internet Inferno: A Contemporary Warning and Reminder Regarding this Ancient Truth - "The Tongue is a Fire, the Very World of Iniquity, and is Set on Fire by Hell" James 3:6 by Michael John Beasley (Theological)
Favorite activity: Naps with kitty

Worst thing that happened: My cat Bert's screaming in pain the night I brought him to the hospital.

Second worst thing that happened: Bert died

Third worst thing that happened: My pneumonia

Best thing that happened: My friend Dorothy's bravery and grace in pain. Not that she fell and broke her hip, but if God ordained such a thing, her response as a new believer was Godly and inspiring. She is 89 years old and fell outside in her yard. She broke her hip. She lay for 4 hours in the sun before being found. She attributed many graces to God during that lonely time, and many more during her hospitalization and rehabilitation looking to Him for strength and direction. Astounding. An inspiration to us all.

Other Best Thing that Happened: My doctor and my nutritionist found a potential treatment for my IBS

Grateful for: Summers off, a job, children in the job, church, elders, cool mornings, air conditioning, sanctification, grace, good books, coffee, chilled hibiscus tea, church family, so much more!

Happy Back To School!

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