Saturday, May 04, 2019

It's Saturday, but Summer's a coming!

By Elizabeth Prata

We are in the last days. LOL, not the last days before Jesus returns, the last days of school. We conclude the 2018-19 school year on May 21 at noon for the kids and Friday, May 24 for the teachers and staff.

It's hot, the temps are around the mid-80s, and tempers are about as hot. We love each other, but we are tired and worn out. It's just the way it works. When the last day comes, we are all ready to go our separate ways. When August first comes, we are all joyfully ready to see each other again.

This has been a really good year. I am blessed. I love my school. I love my Administrators. I love my Teacher. I love the kids. This year the chemistry among the kids in our class was smooth as butter most days, and they quickly cohered into a working group of pliable and well behaved children. A dream.

People have been asking each other "What are you going to do this summer?" They plan trips, they transport their kids to various sports camps or Christian camps, they swim in their pools. Whatever people plan to do, they are usually items of leisure and ease. Teaching is hard, wearying adn emotionally draining.

Personally I am not planning any trips, but plan to go home and stay there. I want to make progress on Challies' Christian Book Reading plan, study the Bible, write, and nap. I might go on a photo expedition or two and return with lots of pictures to process.

I call it hermit season.

The bliss of dwelling inside my home in clothing that is sensitive on my skin, being quiet, not having to converse, and being relieved of stresses that an autistic mind encounters, is compelling. I have not written much about these kind of struggles, but they are there and they are tiring. I need the summers.

For now, here are a few photos you may enjoy:

Mid-centrury building, Athens Technical College

Cat shaped car perfume:

Saturday Morning coffee with whipped cream

1 comment:

  1. Your Saturday morning coffee with whipped cream photo makes me want to melt in a little puddle. :) Low-carb is not fun. :( But it works! :D
