Saturday, February 16, 2019

Three-Day Weekend

By Elizabeth Prata

How wonderful are the occasional three-day weekends! They come along every few months for the person working and living in a school-year calendar. I love it.

My plans today are to organize my computer folders, work with my photos to make two weeks' worth of Bible pictures and quotes. Tomorrow, to catch up on my systematic theology lessons and Bible reading plan, and Monday, to read some of my other books, (EM Forster's The Machine Stops) and craft. That's the plan, anyway.

Soup this week is going to be split pea with carrots and onions. I will also make some granola, smoothies with pineapple and apple juice, and some kind of casserole - I haven't decided yet. it's still early on this weekend-a-palooza.


The above is a vignette scene from a funky cafe-art gallery-store I took last summer.

Our weather is just as turbulent as it is for the rest of the country. Our version is predicted to be rain-rain-rain. Up to half a foot or more over the next week. It's raining already this morning, lightly. I'm longing for sun but the wet outside means I can stay inside doing crafts, reading, and cooking guilt free.

vignette 2
American Front Porch

Aside from attending church services Sunday, I don't have any plans to go out and do anything. There is plenty to do right here.

Currently my cat Murray is squealing and squeaking, vocalizing in his way. I call him Squeakers sometimes, because his vocalizations are so tiny like a mouse, and cute.

Here ae a few scenes of the wetness outside:



vignette 3

vignette 6

Have a good weekend, everyone!

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