Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Breakfast of champions!

I have oatmeal with chia seeds and fruit every morning during school. It fills me and staves off hunger until lunch. Which is great because stress eating is huge in school. If I'm full I don't roam the hallways like a hangry Visigoth looking for any crumb to eat. Oatmeal with chia seeds also feels good while digesting, and my cholesterol has lowered.

After a brief detour last week of eggs or salmon for breakfast, I am back to oatmeal with chia seeds. Here's the lowdown:

A 1 ounce (2TB) serving of chia seeds contains:

Fiber: 11 grams.
Protein: 4 grams.
Fat: 9 grams (5 of which are Omega-3s).
Calcium: 18% of the RDA.
Manganese: 30% of the RDA.
Magnesium: 30% of the RDA.
Phosphorus: 27% of the RDA.
They also contain a decent amount of Zinc, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Potassium, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and Vitamin B2.

This is particularly impressive when you consider that this is just a single ounce, which supplies only 137 calories and one gram of digestible carbohydrate!

Information from Healthline.

Oats are among the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. And you already know about blueberries and their benefits.

What I do is make one serving of oats according to the package directions, and add the 2T of chia seeds. I turn on the burner to 2. This cooks it long enough to soften the chia seeds. One thing I like about chia seeds is that in their raw state they are crunchy but definitely chewable, unlike many other seeds. But interestingly when chia seeds are put into a liquid, they puff up the item it's in while softening. Sometimes people make 'chia pudding' that way. It increases the volume of oatmeal.

I set it on 2 and walk away. It doesn't take long for the oatmeal to cook, I make it every day when I school is in. I just leave it for five minutes or so. When it's cooked to the consistency I like, I add honey and milk, though if you are Vegan you can leave off those last two. I put in a tupperware, and go. Or if I'm home I eat it right then.

Look up chia seeds, all their health benefits and uses. Oatmeal is a good breakfast. I strayed into eggs and salmon for a while, and it was good to have a little variety, but now I'm back! I feel the oaty and chia benefits. Now all I need to do is stop at Kroger and buy a jumbo oatmeal package, and I'll be all set.


  1. Thanks for this! I have some chia seeds and I was wondering what to do with them. :)

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    YAY! I am a major fan of oatmeal, and eat it almost every day. I've tried chia seeds, I can take or leave them. I think I'm just not the biggest seed lover. Anyhow, my go-to add ins include (not necessarily all at once, lol, but sometimes a combo of two or more): almond butter, sunbutter (sunflower seed spread), walnuts, coconut (oil, flakes, etc), various fruits, assorted sweeteners, even cocoa powder. You're right, oatmeal is such a healthy, and filling, breakfast.

    "If I'm full I don't roam the hallways like a hangry Visigoth looking for any crumb to eat." ROFL!!!!!!!!! Now that's funny!

