Monday, September 11, 2017


On 9/11/2001 I was a weekly newspaper publisher/editor. Passionate about America and free speech, right to assemble, etc.

Tuesdays were the big day putting the paper together. At 8:30 my graphic designer hollered to come to the TV in the front room. She never hollers.

The 1st plane had just hit the 1st tower. We looked at each other with wide eyes. What did it mean?

The second plane hit. We knew.

We watched it unfold in horrible living color, our guts hollow, our minds jumbled.

After a while, we went across the street to the hardware store and bought the biggest flag they had. Then went to the bank & withdrew $$.

While we were at the bank, the plane hit the ground in PA. Our world turned upside down. Was anywhere safe? Would it be, ever again?

No terrorist was going to stop me from putting out the paper. We plowed on. In tears.

The worst moment, when we realized that all the lined up hospital gurneys would never be filled. You either survived…or you didn’t.

Then the towers fell. Life changed forever.

I was unsaved. Was there a God? Why does this happen? Why such hate? 3 years later, I knew. Man’s depravity, our sin. God’s grace.

God's grace to save a worm such as I, and Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jews, Gentiles...all he appointed to life despite our depravity. GRACE.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    I've not been online for awhile but wanted to stop in here to give you a warm "hello"!
    and also to thank you for your steadfastness in the Word of God, and for your dedication to get the truth out in such a manner as this!
    911 did indeed change the lives of everyone here in the United States..It was surely a line drawn in the sands of time.
    I believe that it was at that pivital point when the country had a choice to make..Either wake up and look up to seek God, or fall with the towers.
    Individually, many would seek God, but the powers that be (In the world) would lead many away from the Lord.
    God's judgement on America had begun, and our (collective) response has been since one of rebellion against the Word of God.
    How far this country has come in that rebellion? Today we have same-sex marriages, transgendered humans, aborted baby (parts) for sale (it turned my stomach to type those words!)..and so on!
    I believe we are in the last days before our Lord's return, and although we mourn the loss of the lives from that day (911), and the subsequent casualties since in the name of war..and other man-made disasters and natural disassters..It is time for this nation to repent at the Throne of God. Many more lives are to be lost..and souls forever lost if we do not return to his Word!
    I am so glad that teachers such as yourself and John McArther are able and willing to shed the light on false teachers and their perverted doctrines in this nation with the truth of sound doctrine that you present here.
    Please keep up the good work, and may God continue to bless and keep you in His care..and I'm so thrilled to be able to come back and find you're still here!
    ~Blessings & Love~ In Jesus~ Lisa
