Monday, April 18, 2016

My patio is complete

It's spring! I believe the threat of frost has passed. We went from frost last Thursday to 83 degrees today. Phew.

Here is how my planting and potting turned out. I also re-arranged the patio furniture and stuff. This will be my coffee nook in the mornings when summer comes and the evening reading nook in the cool of the evening.

My front door. I try to train the ivy to climb up the side of the hanging wrought iron thing (which was a CD stand at one time I found by the side of the road or some discarded place, I forget).

Notice how pretty the hanging flowers are? Look closely. They will be dead soon, knowing me.

I bought some geraniums and verbena. I really like my new potting table (another freebie-by the side of the road-fell off a truck thing)

The patio gets full sun for a few hours then goes behind a tree then behind the house.

The back yard. Nice, isn't ti!

Reading nook! A nice table and a comfy chair is all I need.

So, that's it. I hope the plants last.


  1. Thanks for the glimpse of spring...we got 20.5" of snow this weekend. :)

  2. that's incredible! hopefully it will melt soon

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    So cute! I am concerned that the geraniums will be in a shadow because they are so close to the house and might need more sun. Don't overwater. Lol

    Looks like a nice place to sit and enjoy the country in peace. I continue to live vicariously through your quiet life. :)


  4. Snow again this weekend. Hope you're enjoying warmer weather!

  5. Melissa, thanks. How much is overwatering? We are in a rain deficit, three inches under normal. I soak the plant every other day. I'll move the geraniums into full sun. Grace To You, I'm sorry for all your snow!

  6. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I emailed you a link about geraniums. Every other day sounds too frequent. My aunt knows a lot about plants and says that overwatering is the main reason people don't do well with their plants. I was going to say let the soil dry out, then saturate. I have also heard that it is best to water in the early morning or evening but not in the heat of the day.

  7. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Also, once a bloom is spent, snap the whole thing off to encourage more growth.

  8. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Upon closer inspection it appears that you might have lantana in a couple of those pots along with the geranium. Those definitely like it hot and dry--desert like--and they can get big so they might be happier in the ground if the pot gets too small.


  9. Thank you so much Melissa! I'll heed that advice!
