Thursday, June 11, 2015

Digital collages and Will Thomas books

Pixlr posted a video on making a digital collage using a multiple layering effect. They consider Even Brown a master at creating them, which Pixlr called "beautiful." I don't think they are so beautiful, but they are interesting. Brown uses scary images like jesters and skulls quite frequently, which in my opinion mars the result, but I was interested in learning the technique. It was advised to use lots of images but to maintain use of three or so strong images throughout. I chose teapots.

Here is another. Sheep & bus.

There is a new item at my local grocery store. It's Greek Yogurt & cream cheese. I don't like Greek yogurt by itself but combined with half cream cheese it is really good! It's put put by Green Mountain Farms and claims to have 4X the amount of protein. Kudos to that little market continuing to offer a wide range of foods to their customers.
 I'm enjoying the new book "Fatal Enquiry" by Will Thomas. It is the 6th installment of the Victorian era detective novels subtitled "Barker and Llewelyn mystery". I waited 5 years between number 5 and number 6, sadly, but it has been worth it so far. Number 7 is already out in hardcover so I won't have to wait too long until it's available in softbound. The books are atmospheric, historical, well-written, clean, and interesting. A great combination if you can find it!

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