Sunday, August 17, 2014

I love it when I do things early in the day

On Saturday I received my Bountiful Basket. I washed and dried and out away the produce. I thought about what to do with it so I would be ready to cook it on Sunday morning before church. I do this before the heat gets hot outside. Today is was 93 degrees. I roast, boil, and bake. Usually.

When I don't prepare ahead, I pay for it. You know how behind you get when you don't do the things that you know you have to in order to make the week go more smoothly.

I hate that.

So this Sunday morning I woke up at 5:30, and I got up and chopped, roasted and processed. I made roasted potatoes, roasted onions and peppers, and roasted cauliflower. I cubed many mangoes and froze them. I cut up the cantaloupe. I boiled some eggs for my protein at lunch. I was happy!

For Sunday supper I boiled some pasta shells and sauteed a tomato, and threw in the roasted peppers and onions. A little shaker cheese on top and we were good to go. The half portion I didn't eat, I put in the lunchbox for tomorrow.


Now all I have to do is repeat that 35 more times and I'll really be good...

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