Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Pax, the ridiculously named winter ice storm

Well the ridiculously named snowstorm Pax (means peace) is here. The weather men have been predicting it for days and it is living up to its hype. Cold, wind, snow, sleet, and ice. We've got it all here in GA and to prove it many thousands are without power. I got up early and took a hot shower right away and made coffee. Phew, at least I got that in before the power went out. Next in line for important duties was to post the blog entry for The End Time, and while I was at it I wrote a second one. Phew.

It wasn't long before the temps tumbled and the ticking of ice against the glass appeared. If there were 8 tiny reindeer I'd have jumped aboard and headed for Key West. I thought I left the more severe weather behind me in Maine when I moved here, but that was not to be, at least today. Ah well, we have had mild winters for the last 7 years so I can't really complain.

They say that the worst of the storm is on its way. Over 100,000 Georgians are without power as I write this, and the numbers are rising fast. So when they say the worst is yet to come for the Athens area, I believe it. I have lived through enough ice storms to have developed a healthy hate respect for them.

I've filled my sun shower, drawn water into three jugs totaling I'd estimate about 10 gallons, made food, gotten cat food and litter, batteries for the weather emergency radio, have a hurricane lantern and oil plus candles. I'm physically ready but not emotionally. I dread the tree limbs over the house and the pops and smashes through the night that indicate falling limbs and trees. I dread the ice and the cold...and the worry about pipes freezing. It is 27 degrees but the real feel is 10. I am sure the aging pipes feel every degree of that cold.

But on the plus side, there is no school, I have books, and craft projects I can do, power for now, food, cats to entertain me, and close neighbors. All is well and though Pax is ineptly named, I do fee a peace. I won't say Pax be with you, because it is predicted to barrel its way up the eastern coast of the US, but I hope  you're prepared and do feel a peace - that spring is almost here.


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I am praying for you Elizabeth. When I heard it was going south of us, I was relieved, but I thought of you being in its path. I pray your electricity stays on. This has been a terrible winter in Ohio too. We are hoping to get out of our driveway after 15 days of being housebound. If not, I may have to milk my Amish neighbor's cow! LOL I pray God keeps everyone in the path of this storm safe.

  2. Hi Jan,

    So far so good- we still have power. But the sleet is coming down hard and fierce, as it has been all day. I think it's only a matter of time. Thank you so much for the prayers.

    15 days housebound! Wow, I am so sorry! This has been a brutal winter for so many...

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Hi Elizabeth,
    I feel your pain! Am here in Northern Virginia and it's just starting to snow, and is supposed to continue to tomorrow evening, which is when I have to head to work, in my 1999 non-Suv car. 22 miles to work with a bit of it on the DC Beltway. I'm an RN and can't stay home. Pax indeed! These are times when we get to really exercise our faith! I'm praying for you.

