Saturday, October 19, 2013

I'm wearing socks. Fall is here

I've had a difficult week but it all turned out all right. Last night I enjoyed a wonderful evening. After a quick trip to the Dollar Store for kitty litter, (thanks, Mom, said the kittens), I came home to eat spinach quiche, chunky mashed russet potato and baby asparagus with lemon butter. I listened to a good sermon and then laid on the couch to watch Master Chef Junior.

LOL, I dozed during the last 15 minutes, awakening at the end to see the two losing child contestants walking off stage. Those kids can sure cook (and bake). Given a box full of gross things like snails, kidneys and liver, they made wonderful food out of them. One young boy tentatively tested the kidney he'd cooked, and says "Hey! It's good!" I am not even that mature. If I see anything gross I avoid it like the plague. And I sure cannot cook anything deletable looking and apparently great tasting things like snail chowder with fried eggplant skin chips.

After a warm beginning of the month, it has now turned cool here in the blessed United States south. It's rainy this morning, and I love it. It's Fall. How do I know? I put away my table fan and put on socks. One thing I love about Georgia is the long, gentle fall. Fall comes overnight in Maine. It happens on the Sunday of Columbus Day. The foliage bursts on the scene suddenly for a couple of weeks, and almost always, on the long holiday weekend the second weekend of October, we'd get rain and wind and all the leaves fell down. It turned gloomy and stayed that way until May.

However, the New England foliage could not be beat. It was bright and vivid. This was a scene in one October at my old house in Maine. We lived on a lake. Notice the sky behind the brightly sunlit trees- so blue and gray.

Fall berry in Comer GA

Fall foliage on a sunny day in Toccoa GA

Boy choosing pumpkin at Thompson's Orchard, New Gloucester Maine

 Harvested pumpkins, Intervale Farm, New Gloucester Maine

I love Macintosh apples, which are too hard to find in GA. These are pecks of Macs at a farm stand in North Yarmouth ME. In this photo, I liked the bags of apples, the harvest corn decoration, and the New England colonial home behind.

Today's weather might be a little drab and colorless, but it's Fall at home!

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