Monday, June 11, 2012

Lubec Maine

Lubec Maine, the US most eastern point. I used to vacation up there. Here is a tour of the far reaches:

The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Bridge, connecting New Brunswick Canada to the mainland United States. it is the only land connection that this location at New Brunswick has, actually Campobello Island. The only other way off the Canadian island is by ferry. There is a small customs house at the foot of the bridge on both sides. It used to be easy to go over the bridge. I'd go grab lunch in Canada or get groceries. I knew the soldier guy in the tiny booth, we'd wave and chat. By a few years after 9/11 there was paperwork and inspections and rigmarole, so I just quit driving over the bridge and stayed in the US.

The old cannery house. Note how high the tide range is, and the barnacles and periwinkles on the pier legs.

Below, a closeup of the candy striped West Quoddy head Lighthouse. Commissioned in 1808. It's got a 3rd order Fresnel lens, and is the only 3rd order and one of only eight Fresnel lenses still in use on the Maine Coast.

OK, here is the whole lighthouse:

Good to know. Time to turn around.

This was taken at a store located in Perry Maine, at the 45th Parallel, and the store is named, what else, 45th Parallel. The Boston Globe did a story about the store.

Maine Lupines
So that is a trip to the easternmost point of Maine. Pretty, isn't it!

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