Saturday, June 30, 2012

I didn't know what hot was until...

That's actual temp, not heat index, which was higher.

When this heat wave was predicted for Friday and through the weekend and early next week, I went to the grocery store Friday morning when it opened, 8am. I quickly did my business at the Dollar Store and Grocery Store, and got home for 9. The temperatures raised up by 12 degrees just in that time, being 74 when I left and 86 when I got home. I haven't been outside since, except in the very early predawn to water my plants.

It really is dangerously hot out. At 10 pm it is still 89 degrees. Several folks I know go walking and they said that even at that hour it was the hottest they ever felt, and this is from lifetime Georgia locals.

I'm not looking forward to the electric bill next month. I rarely turn it on for lengths of time, the last few years being bearable until August. I never have the AC on through the night, preferring the night air and night sounds to the humidity, which wanes as the night deepens anyway. Not last night, I had the AC on all night and haven't turned it off yet. Even set at 78 degrees on energy saver, low fan, I know it will be a bear to pay. Oh well, 115 degree heat index is not really livable or survivable even.

At the grocery store I bought a lot of bread, turkey cold cuts, and fruit. I don't mind eating cold meals! Not if it means not having to use the stove. And I bask in time to write, to study, to read, to surf, and to goof around watching Cheers clips from thirty years ago. Man, that show was funny.

I am the epitome of hunkered down. It's like in Maine during the winter when a Nor'easter was predicted, except the temperature opposite. Stay cool and stay safe everyone.

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