Sunday, March 11, 2012

Egg cup succulents

I like small things. Small books. Small pieces of glass. Small greeting cards. So this display attracted me: A New Use For Egg Cups.

Love it! I wanted to do it right away! Only problem is, I don't have egg cups. I looked into buying some at, but the were expensive. What to do? Yard sale, naturally.

Coincidentally, a friend called me yesterday to go yard sale-ing. I love coincidences like this. So off we went, on a happy spring day late enough in the morning where it wasn't too cold and the sun was up bright and warm.

I swung by the Farmer's Market on the way over to her house and grabbed a half-loaf of fresh, homemade bread and a dozen free range organic eggs, and got there in no time flat. Nothing like the smell of fresh deals in the morning to get me out and about...

I was on the lookout for spring tops, and I found a couple, along with a bud vase. And then...

Lo and Behold in short order I found ... not egg cups, but Pier 1 Espresso Cups. I liked that they were plain white so the green succulent will contrast nicely. I liked the handle was a sweet perfect circle reminiscent of Fiesta Ware. I really liked that they were ten cents each.

Pen for scale
So the next purchase will be little succulents, tiny cactus or maybe hens and chicks. I have to be careful about bringing plants into the house, the cats eat them and most are poisonous to felines. I don't have any plants or flowers inside the house, except a bud in the bud vase on the windowsill by the kitchen sink. That's where I'll put the succulents. Whenever I get around to buying some, that is. Meanwhile I have the cups to look at.

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