Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sleeping hummingbird "snores" in Peru, and other Saturday things

Here is some heart-melting cuteness I found online. Adorable sleeping hummingbird "snores" in Peru

Didn't I tell ya??

I am happy writing today. I am organizing my thoughts for the weekly prophecy newsletter I send out. I've eaten my favorite breakfast, fried eggs, homefries and English muffin with peanut butter. I've had my coffee and my extra weekend cups of coffee. I'm ready to start. So immediately I decided to write a blog entry on this blog instead. LOL. It's not procrastinating. It's "preparing."

Saturdays I sit at my Editor's Chair at the kitchen table with my laptop and all day long I write. I do get up occasionally. Just now I got up to stretch and I found a pile of gifts at my feet: a string, two milk rings and an elastic hair band. Awwww, the kitties!

It is a bright and cold day but the birds are really active, singing and chirping. I LOVE THAT! I just wish I had a good car and money for gas to go traipsing all over the rural county like I used to on Saturdays, taking photos of all the rural loveliness. I miss taking photos out and about. I have concentrated on the micro in my yard, but I think I have exhausted that. Maybe it's just spring about to pop that has made me restless for taking photos. When the warmer weather comes I think I'll go with my friend who likes to yard sale, and I'll take my camera. She'll have company and I'll have a ride. We can chat and gaga over her finds and I can have a change of scene for photos. Yes, by gum, it's a plan.

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