Saturday, May 07, 2011

Hummingbird feeder is up

I hung my hummingbird feeder today. It's a bit late, but better late than never. I hope that the location will suit, it is near the other bird feeder, and the activity around that feeder gets fast and furious sometimes. But it is the best place to view them from inside the apartment. It is near enough for both me and the cats to see them and also to photograph them without scaring them off. I can move the feeder if the hummingbirds are too skittish from other birds.

This photo is from the apartment in Maine I'd had. I lived upstairs and was afforded a large deck, which I really loved. The feeder was hung at the opposite side of the deck from the sliding screen door
There is something so precious and cute about these birds. There is also the challenge to capture them in flight and to get a really good shot.

This next photo is of the same location in Georgia I'd hung the hummingbird feeder previously, and the shot isn't so great but I did capture the bird in flight --

This feeder is harder for them to perch. I may get a different feeder so they can set down for a moment...we'll see what the Dollar Store has.

While I'm waiting for the hummingbirds to show up, here are some other photos of birds I've taken--

spooky birds:

Mama & baby birds --

Shy birds --

Pretty bird --
Beach bird --
funny bird --

I love birds!

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