Wednesday, November 17, 2010

No pat-downs for me

I flew for the last time in 2006. As the advent of the TSA and Homeland Security began to entrench, and sink its tentacles into the American public’s civil liberties, I became very skeptical of the entire airport check-in process. I already was irritated at the plethora of paperwork needed to pass inspection, and also the lengthy delays at security zones. However, I forgave those in the interest of security, because in the long run, they are reasonable precautions. But when the shoe bomber did his thing and we were required to take off our shoes, things got way more ridiculous. After that, the requirement to put all liquids in 3oz bottles and place them in clear baggies came along, I snorted in disbelief. Still, I flew.

Then I got patted down.

Heading up to Maine for a vacation in 2006, I was randomly selected to be patted down by a TSA agent at the Atlanta airport. It wasn’t the intrusive pat-downs we see today, but it was a pat-down. A female guard snapped on white gloves, which is scary enough, and she took out the wand and passed it up and down my body. I hated that. Then she touched me on the back and the arms and legs. I HATED that. I was compliant. I was upset but kept my cool. I did remark to them that I felt it was an intrusion into my privacy and a violation of my civil liberties. The TSA agents vaulted into action. They threatened to take me aside and complete a more extensive inspection…they threatened to make me miss my plane…they threatened all sorts of things, all the while surrounding me. Another bunch of agents came out of nowhere and closed in. More threats on their side. I looked numbly at the circle around me and wondered where the land of John Adams went. I said no thank you and turned to walk into the passenger area. They did not follow.

At that moment I decided that the convenience of air travel was not worth personal violation at the hands of the government, and I never flew again. And I never will.


  1. The joy of seeing long lost relatives way outweighs the minor inconvenience of a pat down. If you have time and money, drive but don't let anything get in your way of doing what you want to do. If soldiers have to die to maintain your freedom, surely you can pass through security. Freedom isn't free and sometimes a grope doesn't mean they love you!

  2. Me choosing not to fly does not mean I do not love soldiers. I'm still free, that hasn't changed. Declining to avail myself of air travel does not mean a solder's accomplishment is diminished. I do not equate a grope with love by my government. And surely I CANNOT pass through security, not if it means assault, infringement of my civil liberties, and unreasonable search. I am not the only one who feels this way. Hence the current outcry.

  3. Where did you think I got any idea that you didn't support our troops? I only used them to show what a sacrafice to me, looks like. I would feel better if we were told of all the things caught by the screeners and why they search us. Perhaps the truth would scare us too much to fly. I won't jump out of an airplane but will continue to fly.
