Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Corner View: Saturdays

Jane at Spain Daily has a weekly theme upon which we all write from our corner of the world. It is called Corner View and this week's theme is "Saturday." Please be sure to check out her entry and the links to all the others!

On Saturdays in the summer, it is like any other day. Being a teacher's aide, I don't work in summers, so I spend all day, every day as Saturday. During the school year however I work a LOT and I work HARD. On Saturdays I sleep late, blessedly. But when I get up and after a cup of coffee or two, it's time to clean up! The apartment gets out of whack during the week, and I do the dishes, vacuum, and laundry.

Laundry is an interesting exercise, fraught with lots of history and adventures. I've done laundry while living on a sailboat, and having to load pounds of laundry in a hard dinghy and rowing to shore and walking it up to a laundromat somewhere, is an experience. Using laundromats in rural Georgia is also an interesting experience. Having your own washer-dryer is a treasure. There's one here in the apartment I am now renting so I am thrilled.

A new experience for me is hanging it out to dry. In Maine, it's wet, or cold, or cloudy, and hanging laundry is not an efficient way to dry clothes. In Georgia, is is sunny, and warm, and dry, so hanging clothes is a great way to save on electricity. It takes a bit longer to hang it compared to shoving it in a dryer, but not a lot longer. I get to see the birds, and check on the figs, and feel the sun. I have the satisfaction of seeing it hanging there and knowing I am maintaining my things in an environmentally friendly way.

The laundry is in the washer by 10 and usually dry by 2 or 3. I release the clothespins and bring it in and fold it and put it away by about 4. So the bulk of my Saturdays is laundry and all things flapping and clean.

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