Saturday, May 29, 2010

What a great morning

My car hit a milestone today: 207,000.  It's a Ford truck engine so I know it has life left in it, and I'm hoping that life is enough to get me through the summer and the next school year. Go Ford trucks!

I left early to go to a friends' yard sale. It rained hard overnight and when I arrived I didn't see any activity, so I thought maybe they postponed it or were waiting for the yard to dry a bit. I sped along, driving back over the nice back roads in this part of the county, admiring the farms, the pastures, the animals, and both the farm homes and the 'development' homes.

Before arriving home, I stopped at the Post office, and already in town thought, what the hey, I'll visit the Farmer's Market, opened for the season these last couple of weeks. The honey guy was there, saying that he had just processed it this week. I also bought organic, local (2 miles down the road!) carrots, and a huge bag of green beans. I picked up a couple of Georgia peaches, and home I went, which brings me up to now, blogging about the last hour of my Memorial Day weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Those are great Farmer's Market fixings! We had some open up here the past few weeks, too. I love fresh carrots, and beans, and snap peas, and ...
