Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Corner View" Spring in my yard

Jane at Spain Daily has a weekly theme upon which we all write from our corner of the world. It is called Corner View and this week's theme is "Spring." Please be sure to check out her entry and the links to all the others!

Today was our first full-blown sunny AND warm day. And what a blessing that it occurred on a vacation day. It was 76 degrees with no humidity and full, warm sun. The flowers in the yard are picking up steam and the riot of color is a delight to the eyes. So is the sun on my face as I hang laundry.

These guys are in the front yard. A cluster of white daffodils with sunny yellow centers make just the right combination for stylishness.

Forsythia blooming. I pass this bush when I walk from the garage to the clothesline. It's a lovely yard with a lot to see from the ground to the treetops.

My neighbor was out and about too, cleaning up her yard. The dogwoods are in bloom, as well as the cherry trees and the Bradford pears.
What a great day. I had a wonderful breakfast, blogged and wrote, hung laundry on my line on a quiet street with kids riding their bikes by and by, played with my cats, and bird-watched. How relaxing.


  1. Beautiful pictures. We are still having spring showers here and the yard is so muddy that getting to the clothesline is not worth the effort. But like you we had a great sunny day the other day and I just couldn't stand the thought of drying my clothes in the machine. So I simply took my clothes drying rack out side onto the patio and let the sun do the work. The clothes had that wonderful outdoors smell and I did not track any mud into the house.
