Saturday, September 05, 2009

It's a long weeeeeeekend!

It is glorious weather outside today. I awoke refreshed and ready for...something. I believe I will drive the rural parts of the county (it's all rural, but some is more rural than others) and seek photographic opportunities. There is one man who flabbergasts me and inspires me: Evan Leavitt. He is local (somewhere nearby) and occasionally snaps pictures in Madison County where I am. Look at these:

I think these are gorgeous. It is fun to see how Evan composes his shots especially when I am familiar with the original scene, sometimes seeing them every day because I live here.

I haven't decided about whether to leap into HDR and Photomatix post-processing as Evan does, but the Threlkeld store photo, his vs mine, do show me I have a long way to go in learning how to compose a scene better.

If you would like to see more of Evan's work it is here.

More of my work will be here later. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. That Photomatix thing looks awesome! It's amazing what can be done with photos. Have you checked out Scott Kelby's books? One of the guys at a local shop introduced me to him. He's got really easy to read books with quick tips on how to tweak things in Photoshop to get a variety of looks.

  2. thanks for the tip on the book. I have mixed feelings about too much photo manipulation but I suspect I am swimming against the tide. I was in the news biz for 7 years and it is just ingrained to only allow cropping and maybe some lightening/contrast.

    On the other hand, it is a new art form, the matching of the real and the digital...many beautiful things cam come from it. I'll go check out the Kelby book and see what he has to say!

  3. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Love your pictures. good eye.

