Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blue, not the feeling. The color. updated

Blue is my favorite color. This is Ode to Blue in my life

Yoga widow in Comer

Vivid blue spring sky at Watson Mill Park

Penobscot bay Maine slate blue ocean and muted blue sky

Stained glass crescent moon in my window

Blue chemtrails over Georgia

Boarded up Blue Barn in Comer

Waiting for the train to pass, shot a car...that was blue!


  1. Beautiful pictures!

    I posted your blog on mine...I hope you don't mind. :)

  2. Thank you so much for the compliment Tammy! If course I do not mind you posting to your blog. Us conservatives have to stick together! In all seriousness, thank you kindly.

  3. Such lovely blue photos.. especially the first one. I have a collection of doors and windows I have taken that I'm hoping to get around to posting one of these days.

    As far as joining "Corner View", we just started back up so you haven't missed much and I'm sure you can jump in at any time. Just drop Jane an e-mail, (there's a link to her on my last "Corner View" blog) let her know you would like to participate, and she will add you to the list! :)

  4. Hi Erin,

    Isn't that funny, I have doors that I collect in photos too.

    Thank you for the compliment. And thanks also for instructions on Corner View. I'll do as you suggested. Looking forward to "seeing" you at the Corner!

  5. Beautiful blue... my favorite color too ;)
