Saturday, August 01, 2009

Obama vs. Bush, in photos

Obama vs. Bush, in photos. Source and credit goes to Don Surber!

Next set, source and credit goes to Doug Ross

Just sayin'.


  1. Heck, it's not even just a sports analogy. I just remembered that Roger Clemens lied about his cheating BEFORE CONGRESS, just like Bush! LOL

    Your post was even more appropriate than I first thought!

    You gotta laugh at yourself on this one!

  2. Your comment illustrates that anyone can read anything into anything if they have a strong enough agenda. I'm not a sports fan and I have no idea about what Clemmons said or didn't say. The whole point of a photo comparison is not that you need to have reams of background on sports ins and outs, lol. It's a photo illustration and all the information you need is contained in the set. That is how it works, "Pat".

    I see a President happily bounding down steps and ignoring those behind him...while his invited guest, frail and with a cane, struggles down the same steps; but Bush evidences concern and care to his guest and offers aid.

    As for the baseball pics, anyone who doesn't say that Obama throws like a girl and Bush does not really needs new glasses. Is all. Thanks for reading and have a great day..and it is not myself I am laughing at...

  3. So can I assume from your label that you're calling Obama a "pansy" because he supposedly throws "like a girl," whatever that means?

    Aren't you a schoolteacher? I find it insulting that you would use such language to describe someone (president of this nation or anyone else).

  4. I find it insulting that you think teachers cannot have opinions about their President...
