Saturday, April 25, 2009

wow, alleged Athens GA shooter: manhunt goes nationwide

I hope and pray for his kids, and him, and his wife's family...

Article here

A nationwide search is underway for a University of Georgia professor who police say shot and killed his wife and two men early this afternoon at an Athens theater gathering. George Zinkhan, 56, is still at large, Athens-Clarke police said.
[Athens-Clarke police Capt. Clarence] Holeman raised the possibility that the shooting could be a crime of passion. “I can only speculate,” he said. “Some people are saying it could be a love triangle or something like that.” Zinkhan appeared to target Tanner, Teague and Bruce, said Rick Bedell, an actor with the Town and Gown Players, but he did not know why. "It was deliberate,” Bedell said. “He shot these three people specifically and walked out.“They were good people, and I have no idea why (Zinkhan) went nuts,” he said.

so sad!

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