Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Is this Barack Obama's America?

Gay rage at Proposition 8 California's reversal of gay marriage laws has infuriated the gay and lesbian community and spoiled the mood of celebration following Barack Obama's victory.

An peaceful, smiling, praying elderly woman is attacked by gays in a mob scene that includes close threats, screams, ripping her cross out of her hand and stomping on it ...

An angry gay mob taunts, threatens, accosts, and surrounds peaceful Christians singing Amazing Grace in a San Francisco gay district to the extent that police had to protectively escort them out ...

Lesbians invade a Michigan church service, scream, "It's OK to be gay!" and "Jesus was gay!" & kiss at the pulpit and throw condoms and perverse literature at the parishioners, including children ...

Michelle Malkin calls it "the insane rage of the anti-Prop. 8 mob." Like these insane haters: "Daniel Ginnes carried a banner declaring: "No More Mr Nice Gay." Brian Lindsey held up a sign billing Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, as a "prophet, polygamist, paedophile." Hundreds of others simply chanted: "Mormon scum" the London Independent reports. Enthusiastically shooting themselves in the foot, they are exhibiting mob rage whose depths make their own allies in the movement uncomfortable.

President-elect Barack Obama is on the record opposed to gay marriage, but he has said nothing about these NUMEROUS protests. He is the supposed agent of change and a "new politics" of tolerance and civility...and he has said nothing. He is the country's new leader...and he has said nothing. Why not? He could do a lot to HELP tamp down the national feelings of fury. But he has not chosen to do anything. So I ask you, is this Barack Obama's America?

Though our country is founded on mutual tolerance and free but civil speech, this tenet is positively unraveling and as it unspools the country unravels with it. The level of contempt, intolerance, violence and hatred has crossed the line from troubling to terrifying.

Just as the bible said it would.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    They want to be treated well but don't have the same inclination towards those who disagree with them. Nice.
