Wednesday, November 05, 2008

And so it begins, comrades

Dear Friends,

For those of you to whom I was speaking with about this at the Good News Club today, that I mentioned my friend in Maine had noticed a Communist Flag being waved at Grant Park Obama celebration...yup, it's true.

Above is the photo and below is the video.

Perhaps these young celebrants think a 'commie' flag is retro chic. Or a pretty adornment meaning nothing. Or perhaps, they know something we do not know. But soon will.

The America we knew is dying...the ideals upon which we were founded are but a wisp of a memory for 63 million people who voted to dilute them. But not to us.

Though most of us are shaking our heads in amazement that this person Barak Obama could have hoodwinked 63 million voters and most of the electoral college...we do have an opportunity over the next little while to be salt and light in an increasingly chaotic world.

We can demonstrate the peace that is our eternal security which is Jesus Christ as Savior. As the times become ever more dire, let's remember our own lives are but a vapor, and share the Good News while we can. For surely while the sight of an enemy's flag waved in jubilation over our sacred political process is disheartening, let us not be disheartened.

For Jesus lives!

In His Name,

Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready?
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
Luke 21:28 (KJV)

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