As a prelude to the financial news, I recall Ezekiel's funeral lament on Tyre's fall, it is chapter 27.My concordance says- "It compares the city to a ship, mentions its trading partners, and describes how the ship sank. Jesus spoke of Type as a city worthy of judgment. (Mt 11:22)"
"The beauty of Tyre was the source of its pride and Tyre's pride guaranteed its judgment. The lesson perhaps for today is that unwarranted conceit in our own accomplishments is a danger signal to us. James spike of it in ch 4:13-14"
Boasting About Tomorrow
Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."
Though James was not specifically prophesying and was the lament for Tyre was really a lament for Tyre, the principles behind the passages is a good lesson for today's situations on Wall Street and Washington DC. Since God is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow, perhaps, since we are seeing a repeat of the sins of the merchants of the past we now should be ready for coming judgment? I leave you to ponder
Wachovia eaten by Citi
Trading at 75 cents...
WaMu fails, largest bank failure in history
WaMu lists $8.2 billion in debt in bankruptcy filing. Washington Mutual Inc., the holding company that owned the largest savings-and-loan in the U.S. until it was taken over Thursday by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., has filed for bankruptcy.
Fed, other central banks takes fresh steps to battle credit crisis
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Federal Reserve and other countries' central banks announced new steps Monday that makes billions of dollars available to squeezed banks here and abroad to battle a worsening credit crisis that threatens to unhinge the U.S. economy.
APOSTASY "...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:21
New visitor center omits America's religious past
The Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) in Washington, D.C., is currently under construction but scheduled to open in December to an estimated 15,000 people a day. Virginia Representative Randy Forbes contends the exhibits displayed in the Visitor Center contain few and factually inaccurate references to the nation's religious heritage.
For example, the reference to "religion, morality, and knowledge" in the Northwest Ordinance is excluded. Forbes notes the national motto "In God We Trust" has even been removed from the underground building.
"As many people know in looking at C-SPAN, behind where the Speaker stands, there is [sic] a number of columns, and above those columns there is the inscription 'In God We Trust.' In the mock-up that's meant to simulate that area in the new Visitor Center, they've taken 'In God We Trust' out, and they just have gold stars that go across it," Forbes details. "And then when they made a picture of the Speaker's podium, they cropped the part that said 'In God We Trust.'"
Virginia bans Jesus Christ's name
Virginia Gov. Timothy Kaine is being called on the carpet by a national religious freedom advocacy organization after his administration implemented a new state policy forbidding state police chaplains from using "Jesus Christ" in public prayers, and half a dozen chaplains resigned in protest.
Psalms 9:178
The wicked return to the grave,
all the nations that forget God
Rev 13: 16-17
We need international regulation to protect global economy, Brown tells world leaders
England's prime minister Gordon Brown> will fly from New York, where he was promoting his for a regulator to oversee the international financial markets and prevent further economic turbulence. The prime minister convened a meeting of leaders - including Spanish prime minister Jose Zapatero, European commission president Jose Barrroso, Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd, Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen - to discuss the global credit crisis at in the Waldorf hotel last night.
[NOTE: Brown called for a regulator!" person to oversee world global financial systems. Antichrist, anyone? ]
A rare hurricane spins past Maine and hits Canada
It threatened to be the first hurricane in 17 years to make landfall in Maine. Instead, Kyle delivered little more than a glancing blow equivalent to that of a classic nor'easter and hit Canada instead
Luke 21:26 men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world
Credit crunch banker leaps to his death in front of express train
The City was in shock last night after the apparent suicide of a millionaire financier haunted by the pressures of dealing with the credit crunch. Mr Stephenson is believed to have taken his own life after succumbing to mounting personal pressures as the world’s financial markets went into meltdown.
Public anger builds over Wall St. bailout talks
As politicians, financiers haggle, readers register fear, confusion, distrust
Some 300 protesters lashed out against a proposed $700 billion government bailout of the financial sector on Thursday. Demonstrators on on Wall Street in New York chanted: "You broke it, you bought it," and "bail me out, too!"
Matthew 24:6
Showdown Between West, Islamic Nations at Nuke Meeting
Islamic anger over Israel's nuclear program and bids by Iran and Syria to gain more influence threaten to turn this week's 145-nation International Atomic Energy Agency meeting into an unprecedented showdown between the West and the developing world.
Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready?
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
Luke 21:28 (KJV)
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