Thursday, August 07, 2008

Alaska is shaking and rumbling!

There have been 171 earthquakes in the Andreanof Islands TODAY. So far. By any measure, that is an unusual number.

The eruption of Okmok Volcano in the Andreanof Islands continues. It went from green to orange on the volcanism watch list. Seismic activity over the past 24 hours remains elevated and continuous volcanic tremor is still occurring. Ash plumes have not been detected in satellite data over that past 24 hours, but it is likely that the volcano continues to generate low-level ash clouds and ash fall over parts of Umnak Island.

In Matthew 24:7, one of the end-time signs Jesus Christ mentions is, "there shall be . . . earthquakes, in divers places."

Earthquakes registering 6 or more on the Richter Scale occurred:

* Between 1897 and 1946; 3 every 10 years
* Between 1946 and 1956; the rate went to seven
* Between 1956 and 1966; the rate grew to 17
* By the 1967 to 1976 period the number had grown to an unbelievable 180!

An increase of 6,000 percent in only 40 years! Never mind the frequency in this decade...

We are in the end times. The birth pangs are increasing. Are you square with Jesus? Do you know Him? Are you saved? He is the only way to heaven. Pray to Him and ask Him to forgive your sins and ask Him to be the Lord of your life.


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    According to that article, when you look at major earthquakes in the 20th century it's really slightly decreased, if anything, over time

  2. there you go...USGS data show eqs for every mag except 5.0-5.9 is up. 8.0 was off the charts last year, with 4. never since 1900 has there ever been more than two, with 60% of the years in the data period having 0. A hugely significant increase, statistically speaking. 6's and 7's were up 13% and 35% (or so) if I remember.

    I guess for each organization counting htem, it depends on how they measure and how they present the data.
