Thursday, May 15, 2008

Welcome Gray news online newspaper!

My old hometown has a news outlet again! The recent times have not been kind to the news industry. Large cities have seen the consolidation of several newspapers, and where several editions existed, winnowed down to only one. However, small towns have suffered greatly, for the large dailies hardly cover small town news at all, and the small towns that had their own papers, have seen their small paper either fold or be gobbled up. That happened in Gray, Maine, when The Monument was purchased by Current papers (I was the publisher of The Monument). The Gray News was bought by Donato Corsetti. Both new owners operate from another town than the home town. The Monument's and the Gray News's gradual dilution and eventual absorption into the new owners' town events and news finally occurred, as these things always do, leaving a news hole for the citizens.

A vacuum is soon filled and a new online paper focusing on Gray Maine was born today: Maine Home Town News. It's substantive, easy to navigate, a pleasure to read, and a generally great job! What a relief to be able to read credible home town news again. Visit Maine Home Town News early and often!

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