Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Real McNasty McCain

RawStory has an article about a new John McCain book hitting the stands in May, titled "The Real McCain." Ever since I saw this photo on Drudge last month, I've been intriqued about this man who would be President. Never before have I seen two men, in public, who are high-end politicos, hugging so sissily.

Who IS this John McCain?

The new book by Cliff Schecter relates some incidences that give us a peek at the man known in high school as McNasty:

"Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." "

Shocking. Awful. But apologists would say, heck that was in 1992, when he was only 55 years old. He has matured since then! Well, this from last week:

"In the book he outlines several other examples of McCain losing his cool and raises the question of how that would affect a McCain presidency. What should voters make of this pattern? In February 2008 Tim Russert succinctly described McCain on MSNBC's Morning Joe. A devilish grin spread from ear to ear as Russert, no McCain hater, leaned forward and spoke in a whisper, "He likes to fight." "

He likes to fight. Sigh. Just what we need.

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