Thursday, February 21, 2008

Now THAT'S funny!

George Bush worst President in recorded history. A new poll just out asking Americans how they think Pres. Bush is handling his job, records just 19% think he is going OK. This is a percentage lower than Nixon at the height of the Watergate scandal, worse than Jimmy Carter just after the Iran hostage taking, and way worse than Clinton during the impeachment movement.

Granted, the poll contacted only 1,100 people and extrapolated the rest...but you get the idea.

Two years ago, Rolling Stone said Bush was in contention for worst president ever. The Washington Post did the same. But those are liberal print media outlets. Aren't there any neutral outlets we can balance this sad perspective against? Gary North on Lew explained "Why Bush Will Become the Textbooks' Worst President." These last three are from 2006, before the crash or the dollar and the collapse of the housing industry. Before the fractional reserve banking system ran out of fractional reserves. Before the worst of it.

What has he said or done lately to make us think he is either the best ever or the worst ever? Read some things he has said. You be The Decider:

On Criticism: “There ought to be limits to freedom. We’re aware of this [web] site, and this guy is just a garbage man, that’s all he is.” George Jr., discussing a web site that parodies him.

Bi-Partisanship: “I’m a uniter not a divider. That means when it comes time to sew up your chest cavity, we use stitches as opposed to opening it up.” Bush, on David Letterman (who had just had open heart surgery), March 2, 2000. (the audience booed)

Education: “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?” George W Bush, Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

Domestic Policy: “I don’t feel like I’ve got all that much too important to say on the kind of big national issues.” George W Bush, 20/20 ABC, 15th September 2000

Natural Resources: “Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods.” George W Bush, Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000

But wait! Those are all from 8 years ago, when Bush was a shoehorn. Um, greenhorn. How about lately?

“I’m the decider, and I decide what is best. And what’s best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the Secretary of Defense.” –George W. Bush, Washington, D.C. April 18, 2006

"There is no doubt in my mind when history was written, the final page will say: Victory was achieved by the United States of America for the good of the world." --George W. Bush, addressing U.S. troops at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait, Jan. 12, 2008

CHRIS WALLACE (FOX): Mr. President, what are the chances that we're either in a recession or headed for one?
PRESIDENT: I think the experts will tell you we're not in a recession, and they will tell you that there's a lot of uncertainty. And therefore, the question is what do you do about it. (White House, Feb. 10, 2008)

“I like my buddies from west Texas. I liked them when I was young, I liked them then I was middle-age, I liked them before I was president, and I like them during president, and I like them after president.” –George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 1, 2006

Yes, George. We're all waiting for after president.

More quotes here. And here. So many GW dumb quotes websites, so little time. And Google "worst president" and see what you get.

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