Thursday, December 20, 2007

Today is a good day

The heron is back, I am enjoying watching him hunt for fish. He's stalking around the pond's edges, standing with neck outstretched, darting his beak into the cold water when he sees a glimmer of a fish.

My cats are playing in the bedroom right now. Though "Crabby Abby" as my landlord calls her, only knows how to growl. So it sounds like a slaughter with Abby screaming and howling while things are bumping around and lamps crash. Initially I thought she was in distress (who wouldn't with all that caterwauling) but there she is, on her back, exposed belly, and all 4 paws in the air, dangling them toward Bert. OK, have fun, Crabby Abby.

Canada's Globe & Mail reports "Food prices have been surging for two years. The FAO food price index has climbed 40 per cent this year, on top of 9 per cent in 2006." Yah, I am feeling it at the grocery store. Aren't you? Particularly with bread and cereals. Ouch. And what's up with the 40% increase? Yikes.

The pony is walking around just outside my window, I hear the leaves crunching as he noses for grass under the fall blow down. There are a lot of birds scrambling around near him, looking, too. I have a bird feeder hanging off my deck stocked with lots of seed but the birds will not come to partake. I can't figure out why. It's been up a month, and I am getting ready to empty it and try another kind of seed. It's the same feeder I had in Maine and the birds all flocked to it there, even though, like here, the deck was in the middle of the yard away from the tree line. The hummingbirds came this summer to the same hummingbird feeder I had, just not the finches and brethren. Hmmm, I have a mystery to solve. Left, my feeder in Maine, where it was more successful in attracting boids.

I am having fun doing another collage. I'll post it when it's done. At heart I'm just a fifth grade gal cutting and gluing and pasting and laying glitter glue over stuff and flipping through magazines oohing and ahing before ripping pages out. I might not make sophisticated art, but I have fun.


  1. Hi!
    Just stopping by to say Merry Christmas!!
    I hope to see you in Precept again when the new year starts.

    Blessings to you~

  2. Hi Cathy!!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope the blessed season finds you well.

    I'll look for the precept class lists after the holidays. We are going to offer a personal evangelism/how-to witnessing class at Meadow in late Jan/early Feb (a one-hour class thru GA Baptist Convention). It's open to everyone, hope to see you there!

    Thanks so much for stopping by...:)
