Calm. Peaceful. That's what things are here today. The humidity has moved on, likely to plague Florida and Louisiana, and left us with clear, fresh air that makes you feel as clean as when you get out of the swimming pool. There's bright sun and cool temps and a feeling that you can move around again without melting into a puddle of Georgia goo.
A bunch of friends took off today for the mountains, to look at foliage and buy apples and have lunch. I wanted to go but I had happily said yes to helping a friend today so that's all right. Down here, you cannot find MacIntosh apples. I was at Ingles yesterday perusing all the Braeburn, Fuji, Granny, Cortland and Empire, without a Mac in sight. Too bad, Macs are the only kind I like. One of my friends going on the trip said she'd bring me back some.
The art Show at BlueBell Gallery is mounting nicely, the curator (Tina) is almost done hanging the art and artist statements. The daily paper, the weekly paper, and Athens Magazine have all covered it, so that is a healthy amount of promotion. That's my stuff in the photo below, the 6 pieces from the vultures atop to the red mask at bottom, under the shawl. The artists' reception is October 20.
proud of you.