Saturday, July 28, 2007

More about my family

Left to right, at my first birthday party, my father's sister Norma, my mother's mother, my paternal grandmother Viola Bernardoni Prata, her sister Lena, another woman who wishes to remain anonymous, and my great-aunt Nellie.

My father reminisces:

"Last year was the 100th year for Prata Funeral Homes which Great Grandfather Raffaele established in 1906. It was a storefront which had a desk and layout equipment. All wakes and funeral were held in houses then. He was the first funeral director in RI to build a funeral home from the ground up - in West Warwick."

"My Grandfather built four funeral homes. I eventually expanded the number to 9 then consolidated a couple to net out at 7."

"Your great grandmother Vittoria (Giannetti) Bernardoni was a very intelligent woman. Came from Tuscany. She started a meat market, bought a 3 decker home and rented out two floors. She made enough money to buy her son Rico a brand new car for his 16th birthday!! She died quite young - diabetes. All the Carlotti's prospered - doctors, businessmen, lawyers etc."

Interesting family, no?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:00 AM

    love old photos. You do not want to see the scary-looking greeks that led to me. LOL

