Friday, May 11, 2007

Southern Recipes

A friend just gave me a bunch of down home Georgia covered dish recipes. It was quite an act of love to hand them over to me. In the stuffed envelope were recipes for Sweet Potato Pie, Earthquake cake, Tea Cakes...they are written on backs of envelopes, scraps of paper with writing going slanted and smaller as the writing travels down the page, spotted yellowed papers that indicate old timey recipes long loved. The recipes are arrayed on my table so I can look them over. Notice Abby's nose in the top right hand corner...she plunked herself down in the middle of the table and is sniffing everything before settling down exactly where I need to lay the recipes. Hello Abby!


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Wow that is quite a gift! What the heck is Earthquake Cake?

  2. it has pecans, coconut, german choc cake mix, 10X sugar, butter, cream cheese, and vanilla. According to the web, "The top of the finished cake looks rocky and uneven like the aftermath of an earthquake."

    Sounds yummy!

  3. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Sorry no nuts for me. I am nutty enough.
