Friday, February 16, 2007

Busy and happy

My time is filling in. I’m going out socially, I’ve picked up three part time jobs, and I’m writing a book. The long days of nothing are coming to an end, my much-needed vacation now a distant memory.

I’m working for a nationally-known writer and it’s interesting to see the publishing world from inside her success. I’m learning a lot and taking notes for when it’s my turn. Hey, I like to envision the positive! My book, it’s about what it’s like to be the local editor of a newspaper in a politically contentious New England town. Names may be changed. Or not! It’s taking a lot of time just organizing my notes so I see this project taking at least another 18 months. I’m writing a column for the local weekly, and yesterday I got a job as correspondent for the local daily. I cover news and features in our county.

I really like writing about people. My first article was published in the daily newspaper this week. The woman in the story is elderly and in the nursing home, and misses her dog. The article was about her and her dog and the separation when folks have an emergency and can’t be with their pets anymore. I’m so happy her story got told. For next week I’m featuring a Habitat for Humanity family and also a feature on an area man with a neat hobby.

People around here invite each other out all the time. I was in a group of folks that included a new person to town. She and I hit it off. She invited me to a party at her cousin’s house, where I met another person who invited me to lunch Sunday. On the spot! In Gray, it seems to take years for anyone to say ‘Let’s go for coffee.’ It’s nice to have a social calendar again and it’s nice to meet new people. I can’t say enough how nice people are around here. Busy and happy, what could be better?


  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Should I start preparing the forward for the dust jacket?


  2. Sure! And get the camera ready for the back cover photo! :)

  3. Congrats on starting your book! How are you going to find time to write with your three jobs? Let us know when it is published so I can buy it, k?

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    It sounds like things are working out well for you, Elizabeth! People seem to be alot more friendly in Georgia than Gray, ME It makes me think that before there is any attempt towards making Gray 'Pedestrian Friendly', more effort should be placed on making it 'People Friendly'!!

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Watch out for the Peter Pan Peanut Butter! The problem seems to have originated in Georgia?

  6. Thank you anonymous, I agree, people friendly is a priority. It meakes all the difference to have friendly sociability between each other. I saw a bumper sticker in the city the other day:
    "Think localy, Act neighborly."

    Yes, things are working out just fine and I'm looking forward to spring and what the next season has in store.

  7. Peanut butter: Georgia is the capital! I don't eat Peter Pan, though, I'm a Skippy gal. Thanks for the warning, though, I tuned in late and just heard about it yesterday.

  8. Hi Christie, thanks! I work Mondays and Tuesdays 4 hours per day, and the column only takes me an hour and I do that from home. As correspondent for the daily, that will take the longest. So it's patchwork, lots of little jobs. The life of a writer, but my time is my own and my week and weekends are flexible, just the way I like it.

  9. Anonymous4:50 PM

    "Busy and Happy"...what more could you want, Elizabeth!!! Glad Life is Good for YOU.
