Saturday, September 09, 2006

So that's it!

"The key for me is to keep expectations low."
So that's how to lead a country. Huh.

Wait, there's more! Asked what he's read lately, Bush exclaimed:

"I read three Shakespeares!"

YouTube, George Bush, to Brian Williams, interview August 31, 2006.


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    What's wrong with keeping expectations low? He has very little time left. The coming 08 campaign will drown out most of what comes out the White House beginning this January with the campaign season moving in earnest. Should he say, "I promise to bring in Osama by next year, have Iraq rebuilt and terror free in six months, and build a bi-partisan spirit in Washington before I leave office?"

    You can't build up American hopes for things when you can't guarantee that it will be done by those dates.

  2. It has been my experience as an educator and as a business person that the expectation one sets are the ones that are fulfilled. If you set them low they will be lowly fulfilled. Set them high, and they are reached. True stories, depicted in movies like "Stand and Deliver" and "The Ron Clark Story" offer examples, in addition to my own life examples.

    Bush has been following the 'low expectations' MO for 6 years, since the time he has been in office. A shame. So much could have been accomplished by now!

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    You have to keep expectations low when every democrat fights against EVERY thing he says or does. It's about losing and vengence...hey sounds like Gray, ME to me...

  4. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Interesting how Federal, State, and Municipal Leadership is very much the same mentality!!!

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    To follow up:
    Wouldn't it be nice if ALL of us could contribute about what is best for us, weed out the far left the far right, not because they don't have good things to say, but because we need comprimise, concessions, and a cohessive response to those things that threaten our right to exist. Sometimes that means we have to take an approach we wouldn't in the 'perfect world'. The patriot act (as recently revised) as a temporary measure for example. EASILY repealed when a threat no longer exeists in our society. The war in Afganistan and Iraq that keeps terrorists busy in an unstable world (for centuries), the Middle East.
